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What are orthopedic devices and artificial limbs?
The Company's name What are orthopedic devices and artificial limbs?
Phone First 2324074
Mobile Second 944632123
City Damascus
Title 29 May Street - Cinema of the Ambassadors - opposite the Rose Garden
Specialization Orthopedic orthopedic devices And artificial limbs
About company
الأيهم للأجهزة التقويمية العظمية والأطراف الصناعية , What are orthopedic devices and artificial limbs? , شركات و مخدمي للقطاع الطبي , دمشق , شارع 29 أيار - دخلة سينما السفراء - مقابل حديقة الورد , 29 May Street - Cinema of the Ambassadors - opposite the Rose Garden , أجهزة التقويمية العظمية والأطراف الصناعية , Orthopedic orthopedic devices And artificial limbs

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