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Globe Med Syrian company for the management of health insurance expenses
The Company's name Globe Med Syrian company for the management of health insurance expenses
Phone First 9492
Phone Second 2181600
City Damascus
Title Baramka - as opposed to the Faculty of Civil Engineering - Building Globe D Syria
Specialization insurance company
About company
شركة غلوب ميد سورية لإدارة نفقات التأمين الصحي , Globe Med Syrian company for the management of health insurance expenses , شركات التأمين و البنوك , دمشق , البرامكة – مقابل كلية الهندسة المدنية – بناء غلوب مد سورية , Baramka - as opposed to the Faculty of Civil Engineering - Building Globe D Syria , شركة تأمين , insurance company

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