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الدليل الصناعي السوري
Dr. Bassem Shadoud Abbas
The Company's name Dr. Bassem Shadoud Abbas
Phone First +963 11 5111411
Mobile First +963 952716705
City Damascus
Title Damascus - Barzeh Residences - the beginning of the main street - behind Al-Iman Restaurant
Specialization Endocrine glands and diabetes
About company
Dr. Bassem Shadoud Abbas
Postgraduate Diploma in Endocrinology and Diabetes - St. Petersburg - Treatment of diabetes and its complications - thyroid - adrenal - pituitary diseases - puberty disorders - growth retardation - short stature - hirsutism - underweight and obesity - lipid disorders - infertility and sexual disorders in men
Address: Damascus - Barzeh Residences - the beginning of the main street - behind Al-Iman Restaurant
Tel: 5111411
Mobile: 0952716705

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