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الدليل الصناعي السوري
Specialized Radiology Clinic
The Company's name Specialized Radiology Clinic
Phone First +963 11 3235048
Phone Second +963 11 3215457
City Damascus
Title Damascus _ Qudsaya _ the main square _ before the municipality _ Hamouda building
Specialization Specialist in radiology
About company
Specialized Radiological Clinic, Dr. Muhammad Bashar Al-Qari
Address: Damascus _ Qudsaya _ the main square _ before the municipality _ Hamouda building
Specialization: Specialist in radiology
Simple and shady digital rays
cephalometric digital panorama
Ultrasound of the abdomen, pelvis, and superficial organs
Mammography of the breasts and detection of tumors
Echo-colored vascular doppler
Echo colored to study the fetus
Bone densitometry
First phone: 0113235048
Second phone: 0113215457

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