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الدليل الصناعي السوري
Dr. Ahmed Suleiman Ismandar
The Company's name Dr. Ahmed Suleiman Ismandar
Phone First +963 11 2233110
Mobile First +963 933467213
Mobile Second +963 955114476
City Damascus
Title Damascus _ Kafr Sousa Roundabout _ opposite Al-Thawra newspaper
Specialization Orthopedic and joint surgery specialist from French universities Artificial joint replacement _ fractures and dislocations _ congenital malformations _ arthroscopy _ Spine pain _ orthopedic surgery in children
About company

Dr. Ahmed Suleiman Ismandar

Address: Damascus _ Kafr Sousa Roundabout _ opposite Al-Thawra newspaper
Specialization: Orthopedic and joint surgery specialist from French universities
Artificial joint replacement _ fractures and dislocations _ congenital malformations _ arthroscopy _
  Spine pain _ orthopedic surgery in children from the hospitals of Paris and Rowens
Member of the French Society of Orthopedics
Tel: 0112233110
First Mobile: 0933467213
Second mobile: 0955114476

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