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الدليل الصناعي السوري
Dr. Hammam Mohamed Ayoub
The Company's name Dr. Hammam Mohamed Ayoub
Phone First +963 11 6111973
Phone Second +963 11 6111978
Mobile First +963 997060252
Mobile Second +963 938501370
City Damascus
Title Damascus - Mazzeh, western villas - opposite Al-Asadi Hospital
Specialization Ear, Nose and Throat Specialist
About company
Dr. Hammam Muhammad Ayoub
Address: Damascus - Mazzeh, Western Villas - opposite Al-Asadi Hospital
Specialization: Specialist in ear, nose and throat diseases
Head and neck plastic surgery
Nose and face plastic surgery
Endoscopic sinus surgery
Member of the educational body
Tel: 0116111978 / 0116111973
Mobile: 0988034973 / 0938501370 / 0997060252
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