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الدليل الصناعي السوري
Jaramana center for lithotripsy and treatment of urinary stones
The Company's name Jaramana center for lithotripsy and treatment of urinary stones
Phone First +963 11 5651130
Mobile First +963 954720444
Mobile Second +963 930704981
City Ref Damascus
Title Jaramana - Municipality - Al-Qusour Street
Specialization Fragmentation of kidney, ureter and bladder stones from outside the body
About company
Jaramana center for lithotripsy and treatment of urinary stones
Under the supervision of Dr. Tawfiq Shawak
Equipped with the latest advanced German equipment
An elite group of specialists in urology
Fragmentation of kidney, ureter and bladder stones from outside the body
Jaramana - Municipality - Al-Qusour Street
Opposite Jaramana Surgical Hospital
Tel: 5651130 / Mobile: 0954720444 / 0930704981

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