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الدليل الصناعي السوري
Dr. Tarif Al-Aita
The Company's name Dr. Tarif Al-Aita
Phone First +963 11 2315535
Mobile First +963 932231553
City Damascus
Title Damascus - Al-Bahsa - Port Said Street - next to the Tawusiya Mosque - Al-Nahhas Building, 5th floor
Specialization أخصائي في الجراحة العامة والتنظيرية وجراحة البدانة
About company
Dr. Tarif Al-Aita
 Address: Damascus - Al-Bahsa - Port Said Street - next to the Tawusiya Mosque - Al-Nahhas Building, 5th floor
Specialization: Specialist in general, laparoscopic and bariatric surgery
All laparoscopic abdominal surgeries:
* Removal of the gallbladder by waiting
* Laparoscopic appendectomy
* Endoscopic diaphragmatic hernia operations (cluster and side of the esophagus)
* Laparoscopic alkylesa surgery
* Laparoscopic spleen removal
* Endoscopic resection of adrenal masses
* Endoscopic resection of benign pancreatic masses
* Laparoscopic partial colectomy
* Endoscopic removal of abdominal adhesions
* All laparoscopic bariatric and metabolic surgeries
* Laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy
* Laparoscopic systemic shunt RYGB
*MGB . Mini Endoscopic Pathway Transformation
Clinic : +963 11 2315535
Mobile: +963 933231553
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