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الدليل الصناعي السوري
Dr. Mohamed Sammak
The Company's name Dr. Mohamed Sammak
Phone First +963 11 2723264
Mobile First +963 932668724
Mobile Second +963 943229974
City Damascus
About company
Dr. Mohamed Kamel Al-Sammak
Address: Damascus _ Rukn Al-Din _ Adam's Parking _ next to Ibn Al-Haytham Pharmacy
Specialization: Master's degree in ophthalmology and surgery
Syrian Board _ Fellow of the International Council of Ophthalmology (FICO .)
Member of the British Royal College of Surgeons (Edinburgh) MRCSED
Cataract removal (white water) with phaco-laser vision correction (LASIK)
Corneal transplantation and treatment of keratoconus - treatment of retinal diseases, glaucoma and strabismus
Lacrimal surgery and blepharoplasty _ emergency ophthalmic surgeries
Tel: 0112723264
First Mobile: 0932668724
Second mobile: 0943229974

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