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الدليل الصناعي السوري
Dr. Maysa Bahjat Barakat
The Company's name Dr. Maysa Bahjat Barakat
Phone First +963 11 6667789
Mobile First +963 933443527
City Damascus
Title Damascus - Mazzeh - Sheikh Saad - opposite the Institute of Intellectual Development
Specialization Specialist in Dermatology and Venereology - Arab Board - Treatment of skin diseases - skin - hair nails - grease - cellulite - Wrinkle removal - Crystal - Botox - Mesotherapy - Co2- - electrostatic scavenger - PRP . Plasmajet injection
About company

Dr. Maysa Bahjat Barakat

Specialist in Dermatology and Venereology - Arab Board
Treatment of skin diseases - skin - hair nails - grease - cellulite
Wrinkle removal - Crystal - Botox - Mesotherapy
Co2- - electrostatic scavenger
PRP . Plasmajet injection
Damascus - Mazzeh - Sheikh Saad - opposite the Institute of Intellectual Development
Tel: 6667789
Mobile: 0933443527

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