What is the right oil for your hair?

What is the right oil for your hair?
Before your shower, you might be confused about choosing the right oil for your hair bath, here is this article to help you.
There are many options of oil baths for your hair in the market, and if you want to choose the best, to solve your hair problems, you can read this article, which gives you the best types of oils used during your shower.
It is clinically recognized that an oil bath helps to strengthen hair and increase its shine, and there are many oil options available on the market, here is the next article to choose the best.
Types of suitable oils
There are many oils that you can use as a hair oil bath, including:
1- Coconut oil
Coconut oil reduces heat in your scalp, repairs damaged or brittle hair, and helps prevent hair loss.
Because of its moisture retention properties, coconut oil stays inside the hair rather than evaporating it, making it one of the most effective hair treatments out there.
Since coconut oil is loaded with fatty acids, it penetrates deeply into hair, producing smooth, shiny and beautiful hair.
As for the way to use it, if your scalp is dry, apply coconut oil to your hair except for the roots, and if it is not dry, apply it to the scalp as well as the roots.
Leave the oil in your hair for 30 minutes to an hour and rinse it with natural shampoo, repeat it once a week.
Since coconut oil is solid, we recommend heating it a little bit until it melts, making it easier to use.
2- Argan oil
There is no doubt that argan oil is made from argan and is a type of tree found in Morocco, which can make miracles for your hair.
Argan oil contains useful ingredients like vitamin E, ferulic acid, and fatty acids, as well as anti-oxidants, which are resistant to ultraviolet radiation.
Using a few drops of argan oil will not only protect your hair from the heat but also nourish and moisturize it, and reduce dry and brittle hair.
You can use it by applying a few drops to the palm of your hand, rubbing your hands together and spreading it evenly over wet or dry hair, avoiding the roots.
3- Castor oil
Castor oil comes from castor beans, and is great for hair growth, because it contains vitamin E, minerals, and proteins.
Castor oil also contains antioxidants, which support keratin in the hair, making it stronger, smoother and healthier.
If you get this oil, we recommend getting the pressurized variety cold pressed (meaning that there was no heat during the extraction process).
100% pure castor oil offers many other great benefits such as controlling hair loss, fighting scalp and dandruff infections (due to its anti-fungal properties).
You can use it by mixing it with other oils such as olive oil or coconut oil. For a better result, apply it to your hair and then rinse it as usual. Repeat this weekly or as needed.
4- Jojoba oil
This oil is extracted from the jojoba plant and is great, because its chemical composition is similar to the oil naturally produced by the scalp (sebum), which means your fruit accepts it more.
Like coconut oil, jojoba oil moisturizes hair from the depths, treats hair follicles from the inside out, and also treats dandruff problems, adding shine and softness.
You can use jojoba oil by applying it on the scalp before washing your hair and leaving it for 30 minutes or even overnight. To get a pleasant smell, you can add a drop of your favorite essential oil.
5- Olive oil
We use not only olive oil in cooking, but also when it comes to natural beauty products, as it possesses rich and very moisturizing properties to your hair.
Olive oil maintains body temperature and hides damaged hair strands, giving it a more elegant and shiny look.
You can use olive oil once a week, put two tablespoons of it on dry or wet hair, then spread it evenly and completely, and then wrap it with a towel or shower cap and leave it for half an hour.
Oil bath tips for hair
Some stickers can be tricky, so it is important to make sure there are no chemicals and all ingredients are natural as this is best for your hair.
Some oils already come pre-mixed with something else, like essential oils, be sure to read the label and know exactly what it contains.
Always wash your hair with a natural alcohol-free shampoo after treatment.
You have to keep in mind that such changes do not happen overnight, but consistent and long-term use leads to long, gorgeous, healthy, shiny hair.

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