What are the ways to treat high pressure eye?

What are the ways to treat high pressure eye?
Increased intraocular pressure causes pain, the problem can aggravate and cause blue water, and it may affect vision strength over time, and high intraocular pressure is treated in some ways.
Some people can coexist with increased intraocular pressure without any harm, and in other cases, increased intraocular pressure may cause eye health problems, such as blue water, and may lead to vision loss when treatment is neglected.
What is high eye pressure?
The term "intraocular pressure" means that intraocular pressure increases at rates more than normal, and intraocular pressure is measured in units of mm of mercury.
Normally, intraocular pressure ranges from 10 to 21 mm Hg, and if it is higher than 21 mm Hg, this indicates an increase in intraocular pressure.
Causes of increased intraocular pressure
Here are the main causes of high intraocular pressure.
Excessive production of aqueous fluid in the eye: It is a clear liquid produced by the ciliary body in the eye, and it flows through the pupil, and in the case of excess production of this fluid, this will cause the eye pressure to rise.
Insufficient drainage of aqueous liquid into the eye: When this fluid flows from the eye slowly, it will lead to an imbalance between the production of liquid and its discharge from the eye, which leads to an increase in intraocular pressure.
Taking some medications: There are some medications that negatively affect intraocular pressure, such as steroid medications that are used to treat some diseases such as asthma, and steroid eye drops can cause high intraocular pressure.
Eye injury: In the event of an eye injury, it can affect the production of watery fluid, and hence the occurrence of high intraocular pressure.
Treatment of high intraocular pressure
Eye hypertension treatment aims to reduce pressure before it causes serious complications such as glaucoma or vision loss.
Doctors quickly treat people who are at greater risk of developing glaucoma or have signs of optic nerve damage that leads to poor vision and loss over time.
The ophthalmologist chooses the treatment method for each patient according to his condition. Treatment may be with medication or eye drops, and you should follow up with the doctor to ensure that there are no side effects from using these.
Initially, the ophthalmologist may order the use of eye drops in only one eye to see how effective the drug is in reducing intraocular pressure, and if it is effective, the doctor is likely to use eye drops in both eyes.
In the event of symptoms such as the presence of halos in front of the eye or blurred vision and pain, or if you notice increased pressure in the eye when visiting the doctor, the doctor may prescribe taking the drug for a month, then visit him to re-examine eye pressure and follow up on the results, and in the case of low pressure The eye, the patient may continue to take and follow up with the doctor constantly, but the number of times the patient visits the doctor.
During an ophthalmologist’s visit, he can notice any allergic reactions to the medication, and talk to the doctor if you experience any symptoms while taking the medication.
In case of persistent high blood pressure, the doctor may resort to other methods of treatment to avoid the complications of high eye pressure, and the patient may need laser surgery to treat the problem.

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