Tea may protect the heart and enhance its health

Tea may protect the heart and enhance its health
Did you know that having one cup of tea a day will make your health positive? Here are the details
Researchers revealed in a new study for them that consuming one cup of tea per day helps reduce the chances of premature death and reduces the risk of heart disease and heart attacks.
According to the study, published in the European Journal of Preventive Cardiology, tea consumption helps improve cardiovascular health as a whole.
The researchers were able to reach these results by targeting about 100,902 healthy participants without a previous history of heart disease and heart attack.
The researchers placed the participants in two groups, one asking them to drink tea at least three times a week, and the second group was never asked to take tea.
After following up on subscribers for about seven years, researchers found the following results:
Participants who drank tea were healthier compared to those who did not take tea.
For those who drank tea, the risk of heart disease and heart attack decreased by about 20%
The risk of dying from heart disease decreased by about 22% in the group that consumed tea.
The researchers suggested that this relationship between tea consumption and the lower risk of developing various heart diseases may be due to the presence of phenols, which are naturally occurring substances in green and red tea.
The researchers pointed out that these substances do not remain long in the human body, hence the role and importance of drinking tea continuously.

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