Laser treatment of scars

Laser treatment of scars
Lasers are an effective treatment for many skin problems, but how effective are they when it comes to signs and scars? The most important information about laser scars treatment is in the following article.
Medical lasers are commonly used to treat many skin problems, a solution that many especially resort to treating acne scars and many other types of scars. Let's find out the most important information about the treatment of laser scars below.
The effect of medical laser on scars
Medical laser is considered one of the favorite cosmetic solutions of some dermatologists, because it is able to penetrate the layers of the skin safely and stimulate cell regeneration and rid the skin of dead cells.
As for the treatment of scars by laser, the treatment mechanism here mainly depends on creating a new scar in the skin at the place of the old scar, in order to stimulate the skin to regenerate its cells in the area of ​​the scar and thus significantly reduce the appearance of the old scar.
Laser scar treatment may help:
Reducing any redness or itching in the place of the scar.
Improve the appearance of the scar and make it less visible to the beholder's eye.
Improving the ability to move the affected area of ​​the scar, especially when the scar is spreading over a relatively large area of ​​skin as is the case with burn scars.
Types of lasers used to treat scars
Before starting to treat scars with laser, the doctor usually discusses the options available from different types of lasers, before agreeing with the patient on the appropriate type of case. Here is a list of the most important types and techniques of laser used to treat scars:
1- Nonablative Fractional Laser
The patient needs several sessions here to obtain the required results. This type of laser usually causes redness, swelling and slight peeling in the skin, symptoms that all fade within several days.
2- Ablative Fractional Resurfacing
 The patient here needs fewer sessions than he may undergo in the previous type, but the recovery period for this type of laser is longer and the associated side effects are more severe.
3- Pulsed Dye Laser Technology
This type of laser treatment is usually used to cut the blood supply to the scar area and thus reduce its redness and prevent the increase in its size, which is a good option for keloid scars.
4- Other types and technologies
Not only do the types of lasers used to treat scars stop, but they extend to the following other types:
Carbon Dioxide Laser.
Intense Pulsed Light - ILP.
Q-Switched Laser.
Sometimes more than one of the above techniques is combined during the unit session or during the different treatment stages.
Types of laser scars
Laser scar treatment is an effective treatment for many types of scars, and these types of scars are particularly responsive to laser treatments:
The keloid scar, which is the raised scars from the surface of the skin that extend outside the circumference of the actual injury area, such as that caused by surgery or by a severe injury.
An inflationary scar, like the previous type, is in the form of a scar that is raised above the surface of the skin but remains in the vicinity of the injury area and does not go beyond it unlike the keloid scar.
Acne scars of various types, this type of scars may be in the form of visible bumps in the skin or in the form of holes or holes in the skin.
Scars resulting from burns, or what is called shrinking scars, although this type of scar may be difficult to treat, but it is possible to incorporate several techniques from the above that help to reduce the appearance of these scars significantly.
Skin pigmentation in which areas of the skin appear abnormally dark in color.
Mature or old scars that turn white.
Categories that are not suitable for laser scars
Although the treatment of laser scars is a treatment that has proven effective in a good percentage of cases, it is not suitable for everyone, as the following groups are advised to avoid it completely or make changes determined by the doctor before undergoing a laser:
People with the following skin diseases: contact dermatitis, psoriasis, cystic acne.
People with dark skin.
People taking certain nutritional supplements or medications, such as acne medications.
People who tanned their skin recently.
Important facts about the treatment of laser scars
Before thinking about using laser scars, be aware of a number of important facts and information, as follows:
Even if the laser treatment used is effective, the scar will not disappear completely.
Taking appropriate measures to protect the skin from harmful sunlight is very important before and after treatment.
The treatment results do not appear immediately after the end of the session, but it may take a long period of time before getting the desired results.
The patient may need several sessions before beginning to notice any improvement in the scarring.
The patient may need several months to prepare himself to undergo laser treatment, and by this we mean by making a set of life changes, stopping some behaviors and stopping some of the treatments and medications used

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