Information about Vitamin K2

Information about Vitamin K2
Many people have never heard of Vitamin K2. In this article, you are familiar with Vitamin K in its various forms, its most important benefits and sources.
Many people have never heard of vitamin K2 before, but this vitamin is an important nutrient because of its effectiveness in protecting against chronic diseases.
Vitamin K2 was discovered in 1929 as an essential blood clotting factor in the human body. There are two types of vitamin K: vitamin K1 and K2.
Vitamin K1 is mainly found in leafy vegetables, while vitamin K2 is found in animal food sources.
Benefits of Vitamin K2
Many people believe that the function of vitamin K2 is only related to blood clotting, but studies have shown that there are several other benefits associated with vitamin K2, here are the most important of them:
Bone health
Vitamin K2 can be added to other factors that contribute to bone health and protect against diseases, such as: calcium, vitamin D, magnesium, and doing strength training.
Some studies have also shown that consuming vitamin K2 protects pelvic fractures.
Heart health
Vitamin K2 helps to stimulate specific proteins in the body, so these proteins remove the extra calcium that is deposited in the veins and arteries of a person.
Therefore, Vitamin K2 is very useful to protect against clots, as some studies indicate that 20% of the causes of atherosclerosis are due to calcium deposition, which leads to heart disease.
Protection from insomnia and depression
High blood sugar causes depression, insomnia, and poor cognition, as some studies have shown that consuming vitamin K2 may be effective in reducing blood sugar and thus eliminating depression and anxiety.
Vitamin K2 acts as an antioxidant and thus protects people from various cancer diseases. Some studies also show that vitamin K2 is effective in inhibiting the genetic changes that lead to cancer diseases.
Teeth health
Some animal studies have shown that vitamin K2 has an effective role in maintaining dental health. Vitamin K2 stimulates osteocalcin, a protein that stimulates dental growth.
How do you get the amount of vitamin K2 you need?
Many foods contain vitamin K1, and very few contain vitamin K2.
Fortunately the human body can partially convert vitamin K1 to K2, this is beneficial because vitamin K1 is found in nutritional foods ten times more than K2.
But studies have proven that these quantities are not sufficient, and a person must consume vitamin K2 from its nutritional sources such as: whole milk beef, egg yolks, liver, and animal meat.
Vitamin K2 is soluble in fats, so animals that do not contain large amounts of fat in their bodies are considered a poor source of Vitamin K2. In the absence of previous food sources, it is possible to take nutritional supplements to prevent vitamin K deficiency.
It is preferable to take supplements containing Vitamin K2 in conjunction with Vitamin D if they reinforce each other.

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