Important rules for women with light hair

Important rules for women with light hair
If you have light hair, you should treat it with caution in order to help restore its density.
Thinning hair needs special treatment, because it is more prone to damage and loss, so you should pay attention to some important matters during your dealing with it, so that it includes keeping it even and making it more intense and vital.
1- Keep it clean
As the oils and fats accumulated in the hair make it increase its light appearance, but in the case of washing it continuously, the strands are stacked together in groups and it appears unpleasant.
A good type of dry shampoo can be used to help absorb the fat from the hair and add volume to its roots.
2- Do not apply conditioner to all hair
If you have dry, split ends, you can apply conditioner to it, as applying it to all hair increases its oily appearance, and therefore it appears noticeably light.
In order to benefit from the functions of conditioner to reduce the split ends and dryness of hair, apply it to the parties only, and it will nourish it and give it a good look without the need to apply it to the hair completely
3- Cut your hair
Include in your plan to take care of your hair, as a date for cutting its ends every 8 to 8 weeks, so you maintain its health and help increase its density and normal growth rate.
In addition, the modern and gradual lengths of the hair will give you more intense hair in its appearance, unlike those of equal length, highlighting the light hair, especially in its limbs.
4- Using hair growth products
If you have very smooth and light hair, you can choose one of the products that increases hair size, but make sure the product is harmless and safe for the scalp and hair.
These materials make it appear more dense and voluminous, and even if the product has a good reputation, do not be used to applying it at all times.
5- Don't resort to extreme heat
If I have to use a dryer or hair straightener, do not make it with a high temperature, rather I use it at the lowest degree possible, because this intense heat contributes to hair loss and damage, especially if it is light and prone to breakage.
In general, it is preferable to avoid heat on hair as much as possible, and to leave light hair in its natural state.
6- Not tightening the hair
Some women get used to the hair of their hair strongly in different hairstyles, especially when wearing the veil, and this is a common mistake that causes damage to hair follicles and increases the possibility of falling out, especially if the strands are light and falling.
That is why it is advised to leave hair free or not to tie it strongly, and it is advised to leave it without restrictions whenever the opportunity arises and to ventilate it, because this helps in maintaining its strength.
7- Avoid harmful chemicals
Such as hair dye or fixing materials and others that cause hair damage significantly, because it contains harmful chemicals.
As changing the color of the hair requires the use of a whitening powder that helps in destroying it, spoiling it and speeds it from falling out. Natural hair dye methods that do not need to add chemicals can be used.
If you have to use a hair dye, choose a degree close to its original color so that you do not need a harmful hair lightening powder.
8- Use a hair mask
If your hair is light, you will need a hair treatment mask that is used continuously in order to enhance the growth of your hair and increase the health and strength of its hair.
There are many types of treatment masks for thin hair, which contain ingredients and natural materials and safe.
You can also apply some recipes for light hair at home, such as:
Avocado and egg mask: Avoid mashed avocado with a beaten egg, and apply this mixture to the hair for 20 minutes. This recipe is repeated once a week to contribute to the density and length of the hair.
Oil mask: Mix a few drops of sandalwood oil, jojoba oil or olive oil, and apply it to the hair starting from the roots to the ends, leave it on for 20 to 30 minutes, then rinse and repeat once a week.
Mask of apple cider vinegar and olive oil: put a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar with 2 tablespoons of olive oil and 3 egg whites, rub the scalp with them and keep your hair covered for 30 minutes, then wash it thoroughly.
9- Eat foods necessary for hair
Do not underestimate this matter, as what you eat has a direct relationship to your hair and health, and your hair cannot become thick and vibrant without providing it with the necessary nutrients.
Foods that contain protein are essential to promoting the health and growth of hair, such as salmon, yogurt, beans, nuts, and omega-3s that keep hair follicles healthy.
10- Take some nutritional supplement
Supplements help compensate for the body’s lack of some vitamins, and they also help to strengthen hair, accelerate its growth and reduce the chances of it falling and spoiling.
But taking the supplements that the body needs should be according to the doctor’s instructions after performing some tests that tell you what vitamins your body needs.

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