How to treat high pressure at home

How to treat high pressure at home
Symptoms of hypertension
Anyone may have high blood pressure without knowing, because the signs of high blood pressure may be hidden and no one can know if some of the symptoms he suffers from are definitely symptoms of high blood pressure and the patient may have pressure for years without feeling.
But there are some signs that can be a sign of hypertension that you must know, because sudden hypertension can have serious complications that cause heart disease.
Among the symptoms of high pressure that you should pay attention to you or the people you care about, because they are signs of life-threatening complications, they are the following:
Shortness of breath
Severe headache
Blurred vision
pain in chest
Blood in the urine
Sensation of pressure on the neck, ear, or chest
Some people may also experience some of the symptoms. The symptoms of hypertension may be other reasons, such as:
Dizziness and dizziness
Bloody spots in the eye
Sleep disturbances
Symptoms of mild hypertension
In fact, there are no mild symptoms of high blood pressure, but some people may feel a headache, dizziness in the eye, or lightheadedness, but they may be for other reasons as well, and if they continue for a while they should go to the doctor.
Risk factors for high blood pressure
You should not have symptoms of high blood pressure, but there are some factors that can cause high blood pressure, as follows:
Having diabetes
About 60% of diabetics also suffer from chronic hypertension. Diabetes causes high blood sugar and is a factor in heart disease.
An unhealthy diet
Eating a food that contains a lot of sodium salts (the main component of table salt) and a few potassium salts puts you at risk of developing hypertension, and sodium enters a very large percentage in processed foods and ready meals from restaurants.
Lack of physical activity
Lack of activity and lack of interest in movement and physical activities weakens the blood vessels, and thus exposes you to high blood pressure and increases the possibility of you gaining extra weight, which in turn may lead to high blood pressure.
People who are obese and have increased body fat are more likely to have high blood pressure, as the heart works more to pump blood throughout the body, causing increased pressure in the blood vessels and causing heart strain over time.
Smoking and drinking alcohol
Smokers and people who are used to drinking alcohol are also more likely to have high blood pressure, because they cause poor blood vessels and damage.
Family history
If your family members have a history of hypertension, you may also be exposed to high blood pressure. Genes here play an important role, especially with an unhealthy lifestyle and the combination of other risk factors together.
Other risk factors:
Age: The risk of developing high blood pressure increases as you get older.
Gender: Women are more susceptible to hypertension than men
Reasons for high pressure
The reasons here are determined by the type of high pressure, there are two types:
Essential Hypertension: This type has no specific cause, but it gradually develops over time with age.
Secondary Hypertension: It occurs as a result of other diseases such as kidney disease, diabetes, sleep apnea, hormonal disorders, lupus, or because of taking certain medications such as birth control pills, steroids, NSAIDs, some cough and cold medications, some antidotes Depression, some herbal medicine that includes licorice.
Treating high pressure at home
Doing physical activity and exercising, just keep your body in motion.
Adhere to a healthy diet that contains all the nutrients, especially potassium, and avoid eating ready-made meals and foods that contain sodium salts. (Learn about a healthy diet for high blood pressure patients).
Quit smoking and alcohol.
Try to lose weight and know if you are obese by calculating your BMI.
Try to avoid stress and nervousness, and practice relaxation and deep breathing exercises.
Dietary supplements to reduce high pressure
There are some nutritional supplements that your doctor can prescribe to help you control high pressure, such as: calcium, magnesium, potassium, folic acid supplements, cocoa and garlic supplements that help expand blood vessels, omega-3 supplements found in fish fat.
Important information: How to lower blood pressure for foods, drinks and exercise
Finally, after learning about the symptoms of serious hypertension and the mild symptoms that tell you that you may be suffering from high pressure, and after you know the causes and risk factors for high blood pressure, we would like to confirm that high blood pressure levels are dangerous and can always be avoided if you follow the advice that we presented in this article And stick to your doctor’s instructions so that you always have a healthy life

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