Hair care and maintenance tips

Hair care and maintenance tips
The summer period can be harsh and deadly for our hair, in this article we give you hair care tips even on very hot days!
One of the advantages of our Arab region is the scorching summer sun, in addition to humidity in some areas and drought in others, which constitutes a severe challenge for us, especially for our hair. What are the worst disasters that can happen to our hair in summer and how to prevent them in time? Here are some common problems caused by sunlight, drought, humidity, sea and pool - and summer hair care tips that you can deal with these problems.
Problem number one: burning the sun to hair
Until now, the sun is the first enemy of poetry in the summer. Where the sun causes dryness of our hair, and if it is dyed then the problem will be more serious, because the dyed hair loses its natural protective materials, so the sun affects its shape and texture.
To combat this problem, hairdressers recommend taking the following steps:
  Using conditioner without washing hair: If you don't overuse it, it will contribute to styling hair in the summer and adding volume to the roots of the hair.
 Some hair products: You can use products designed to contain high levels of sun protection for your hair, such as hair sprays, and hair creams with SPF.
 Hat Umtar: The hat can be fashionable and elegant, thus preserving your hair and obtaining a modern look at one time. Moreover, you should not forget the risk of sunstroke, as the hat protects the head from excessive exposure to the hot sun.
Problem number two: green hair
Chlorine is one of the biggest enemies of poetry. If the water in the swimming pool you are swimming in is not undergo chemically balanced monitoring properly, minerals like copper in the water can stick to your hair. Even in this case, dyed hair is more susceptible to trouble, especially hair dyed with a blond tuft.
The following steps reduce this problem:
 Washing the hair: Make sure to wash the hair before entering the pool or the sea and apply it with sunscreen.
 Moisturizing Cream: You can apply hair with a moisturizing cream or oily hair cream. You can also use hair products with a acid level of 3.5.pH. The goal of using these products is to create a "barrier" between your hair and the substances in the water that can cause it to acquire a green color, thereby reducing the penetration of chlorine and salt into the hair.
 Rinse hair: Immediately after getting out of the water, it is best to rinse the hair with water and shampoo it once you get home.
Problem number three: using chemicals to change hairstyle
Japanese straightening techniques, moisture-preventing products, moisturizing products, hair dyes - every chemical process like this will harm and weaken hair. The combination of sunlight and chemicals aggravates the problem. Even chemicals designed to prevent curls with less moisture in the summer may weaken the hair somewhat.
Another fierce enemy of hair is hydrogen peroxide with a concentration of 6%. Many people put hydrogen peroxide in their hair because they think that in this way they get golden tufts while sunning. In fact, nothing is more harmful than this substance. Hydrogen peroxide opens the skin of the head wide and hurts the dandruff (and protective hair) and if there is nothing to protect the hair it may dry out and become wilted. Sometimes hair damage caused by the use of hydrogen peroxide may be catastrophic.
Problem Number Four: Combing - Exaggeratingly and drying hair
Any act of combing, brushing or drying hair can weaken hair. Especially when brushing hair is wet, this can lead to hair removal from its roots because wet hair is more fragile, fragile and more sensitive to damage.
It is recommended to use a wide-toothed comb, and if you use a hair dryer, it is recommended to reduce its use, and if you do so, it should be turned on at a low temperature, and a jet is recommended - a piece that attaches to the hair dryer and dissipates heat evenly, and soothes the drying process.
Before drying the hair with a dryer, it is recommended to apply the hair with a rain shower without rinsing. If you have loose hair, it is best to avoid using a hair dryer and use other methods.
You should not rub your hair with a towel to dry. Use a towel to gently dry your hair and absorb excess water. The scrub removes the dandruff that protects the hair, and with the heat from the hair dryer, this can damage the hair.
Minimize the use of rubber bands, or any other form of hair pulling and pulling, because it weakens the hair.
Problem number five: using food products on hair
There are people who insist on putting nutritional products on their hair like lemon juice, malt, olive oil, eggs and mayonnaise, hoping for healthy, rich and shiny hair. However, as part of hair care advice, experts recommend using hair-only products that have been scientifically tested for efficacy, especially high-quality nutritional masks whose formula depends on moisture and not oils, suitable for your hair type, once or twice a week. It is preferable to use the mask instead of using hair softener, because the mask contains more soft and nutritious materials. The mask protects hair from sun damage, the environment, water and weather, helps soften it and prevent split ends of the hair and repairs dry or damaged hair.
The mask should be applied to wet hair after absorbing excess water with a towel, wait 1-5 minutes and wash it with lukewarm water. On the other hand, eating foods rich in omega-3 acids, such as fish and flax oil, contribute to healthy hair. The biotin group includes B vitamins and supplements, all beneficial for hair and 2.5 milligrams per day are recommended. It is advisable to read the instructions for use and consult a doctor before using these products.
Problem number six: split ends
Summer is a good time to cut hair or cut edges frequently. Therefore it is recommended to cut the ends of the hair, and certainly if it is brittle, to improve the vitality of the hair and give it a healthy appearance. It is also recommended to avoid gathering and tightening hair to prevent weakening and breaking of hair. If you want to collect the hair, it is best to do it with a pin and not with a rubber band. It is also recommended to apply hair with a good serum or argan oil that nourishes the hair.
Problem number seven: sweat accumulated on the scalp
In the summer, it is recommended within the tips of looking after the hair by washing the hair every day with shampoo suitable for daily use, because sweat accumulates on the scalp, as well as fats and dirt. Washing also helps get rid of falling hair and promotes hair regeneration. It is recommended to start washing hair with warm or hot water to open the scalp pores and finish with cold water to close them. It is important that the shampoo be distributed to the hair and scalp.
 While washing hair, it is preferable to gently massage the scalp skin using the tips of fingers, but watch out for nails. Massage stimulates blood circulation in the skin of the scalp and helps remove dead cells. If the length of the hair is medium to long, it is recommended to wash twice - the first time a surface wash and the second time leave the shampoo on the hair, with a scalp massage during this period. Care must be taken to remove shampoo residue from hair and scalp carefully to prevent irritation and in order not to expose hair to the risk of color loss and shine loss.
Finally, it is difficult to avoid all causes of hair damage during the summer, but following the tips below will reduce this as much as possible.


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