Corona also affects the heart

Corona also affects the heart
A recent German study revealed that the new corona virus can affect the heart as well.
Dirk Westermann, a supervisor of a study at the University Hospital Hamburg, Dirk Westermann, said Friday that Corona virus can infect and multiply heart cells.
Westermann added that the virus is also able to alter the genetic activity of infected heart cells.
On the other hand, the study did not explain if this had effects on the pathological pathology for patients with heart disease.
A university hospital statement said that the changing activity of genes in heart cells could have long-term consequences for patients' health.
The study emphasized the necessity of conducting a series of tests on the injured, corona live in the future.
The university hospital conducted the study on 39 heart patients, who died after being infected with the Coronavirus, and their average age was 85 years.
The researchers were able to monitor the virus in heart tissue in about a third of them.
The hospital statement said that in 16 cases, researchers had found the virus in quantities that may have clinical implications.
The study is scheduled to be published in the Gamma Cardiological journal.

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