Chin hair in women

Chin hair in women
Chin hair growth for a woman may be one of the most troublesome things for her, but it often stems from medical reasons. Here are the most important reasons for her chin hair growth
Women may experience hair growth in undesirable areas, but sometimes women may experience thick hair growth in the chin area, so what are the causes of hair growth in this area and what are the proposed treatment methods?
The reasons for the growth of chin hair in women
There are a group of causes, some of which may be temporary and require simple treatment, while others may require more serious follow-up with your personal doctor:
1. Changes in hormones
Some stations in your life are accompanied by hormonal changes that are essential, such as puberty, pregnancy, and age. All these conditions are closely related to hormonal activity in the body, which in turn affects the extent of hirsutism and the growth of chin hair in a woman.
When you are pregnant, testosterone levels automatically increase blood, which may stimulate thick hair growth in the chin. With time after birth, the hormones return to normal and the symptoms accompanying them improve.
As you age, during menopause, your ovaries produce a low amount of estrogen, while male testosterone production continues, which may lead to high androgen levels and the emergence of male symptoms.
2. Medicines
Certain medications that you may use may affect the level of hormones in your body, such as stimulants or birth control pills containing progesterone or testosterone, pimatoprost and cyclosporine.
3. Polycystic ovary syndrome
If you suffer from polycystic ovary syndrome, or you have a genetic predisposition to have it, it may be stimulating and affecting your suffering from thick and thick chin hair.
Polycystic ovary syndrome particularly affects androgen levels, which leads to menstrual irregularities or profuse bleeding during them, in addition to prolific hair growth in various areas of the body and on the chin in particular.
4. Obesity
It appears that there is a relationship between weight in women and testosterone, as obesity is associated with a higher level of the hormone in the body.
In addition, the increase in the percentage of fat in the abdominal area contributes to raising the level of insulin resistance in the body, which may enhance the production of male androgen hormone, and thus also the effect and increase the growth of chin hair.
5. Hormonal disorders
The pituitary and adrenal glands are the basis of the endocrine glands in the body, where the pituitary gland gives guidance to the adrenal, which in turn guides the release of hormones in the body, so any imbalance on either gland would lead to disorders in hormones and hair growth.
It is necessary to see a doctor, especially if the hair growth has become abundantly thick and abundant, as this would indicate pathological problems preferably addressed early.
6. Genetic factor
Some cases of profuse hair may be caused by genetic factors as well. In addition to individual differences, we also find ethnic differences in abundance of hair on the body.
Treating chin hair growth in women
The beginning is very important in the event that the growth of chin hair occurred to you suddenly and quickly that you refer to your doctor to perform the necessary exams in order to exclude the dangerous medical causes and treat them if any.
If the cause of prolific hair growth is due to an imbalance in the glands or a type of medication or because you have ovarian cyst, then the doctor will prescribe for you the appropriate medications and treatments required to maintain the balance of your hormones.
It may be very beneficial for you to adhere to a healthy diet and life, so you lose excess weight if you suffer from it in addition to commitment to sports and healthy nutrients that will contribute to maintaining the balance of hormones and interactions of substances in your body.
Cosmetic treatments: There are a group of cosmetic options that you can also adopt to treat excess hair if the growth is caused by a temporary factor or a genetic factor, such as removing it with wax, thread, laser and needles.

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