medical information
Right ventricular hypertrophy

The heart consists of four chambers: two upper, the left and right atria, in addition to the two lower ones, the left and right ventricles. The right ventricle pumps non-oxidizing blood into the lung to get rid of carbon dioxide.

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How does a man’s arteries block?

The importance of arteries is because they are the blood vessels responsible for transporting blood rich in oxygen and nutrients from the heart to all parts of the body, and healthy arteries are smooth and flexible from the inside, which prevents blood from clotting or clotting, and promotes stable and stable blood flow.

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Treating anemia in many ways

Anemia or anemia is a medical condition in which the number of red blood cells in the body is less than normal, which in turn affects the transport of oxygen in the body. People with anemia usually suffer from several different symptoms, depending on the degree of anemia and the rate of disease progression

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Fever, its types and its role in fighting germs

Fever is a temporary rise in body temperature from the normal range, which is an indication of an abnormal body exposure. We can distinguish mild fever from severe by measuring the temperature. If the human body suffers a slight rise in temperature, it may reach 38 ° C.

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The causes of corns and different treatment methods

Foot Corn, also known by the name of the meat nail, is usually accompanied by another condition called callus, and the two cases are a hard and rough crust that forms on a small part of the skin in the soles of the foot or on top of or between the toes.

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How to treat high pressure at home

Anyone may have high blood pressure without knowing, because the signs of high blood pressure may be hidden and no one can know if some of the symptoms he suffers from are definitely symptoms of high blood pressure and the patient may have pressure for years without feeling.

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Hemorrhoids suppositories and their side effects

They are suppositories that reduce swelling, burning sensation, pain and itching in the anal area caused by hemorrhoids, as phenylphrine is used in its formation to narrow the blood vessels in this area.

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Intestinal influenza symptoms, causes and treatment

The common name also has stomach flu or Stomach Flu, but the scientific name for it is gastroenteritis, which is an inflammation that affects the lining of the intestine due to a viral or bacterial infection or due to a type of intestinal parasites, and this disease often spreads due to Eat contaminated food or drinks.

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What are the symptoms and types of tuberculosis?

Tuberculosis is the other name for tuberculosis, which is a contagious disease that usually affects the lung, but it can also spread to the brain and spinal cord. In the past, it was difficult to treat tuberculosis and therefore it was one of the causes of death worldwide, but now it can be cured but it continues for a period Long time.

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Methods of protection and natural cleaning of the lungs

This spongy organ is the center of the respiratory system. The main function of the lungs is that it works to deliver oxygen to every cell in the body, and get rid of carbon dioxide and the resultant cells perform their daily functions, in order to survive.

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What are the causes of brain stroke?

Stroke is a serious medical emergency that occurs when there is a lack or interruption of blood and oxygen delivery to the brain, and thus brain cells are damaged within several minutes of their occurrence, so the earlier the treatment, the less complications will occur.

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Basic steps to treat bruises

Some people wake up with an unknown bruise, and others may have bruises as a result of an accident. Regardless of the cause of the bruise, there are several methods and tips that will help you treat bruises.

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How MRI works

Imaging with an MRI device is done by scanning the body with magnetic fields. MRI is a non-invasive examination, without side effects, through which problems such as tumors in the brain, problems in the spine, joints, and others can be detected.

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What are the ways to treat high pressure eye?

Some people can coexist with increased intraocular pressure without injury, and in other cases, increased intraocular pressure may cause eye health problems, such as blue water, and may lead to vision loss when treatment is neglected.

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What is Parkinson's disease What is Parkinson's disease?

Parkinson is a disease that appears gradually. It often begins with an almost imperceptible and invisible tremor in one hand. While the emergence of tremor is the most obvious distinguishing feature of Parkinson's disease, the syndrome generally slows or freezes

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What are triglycerides?

Triglycerides (triglycerides) are a fatty substance consisting of 3 fatty acids, each of which is bound to a glycerol molecule. TG triglycerides such as cholesterol come from food or are synthesized in the liver

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What are the causes of the spread of asthma?

On the occasion of this week's Asthma Awareness Day, we give you all the information about asthma and its treatment, how it develops, what you should pay attention and how to prevent it. Asthma is defined as an anti-obstructive disease (with severe attacks)

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Important information about the lungs

The lung is one of the most important parts of the body, as it is responsible for supplying all the cells of the body with oxygen. Here is the most important information about the lungs and ways to keep them healthy. Every cell in the body needs oxygen to function properly, so the lungs perform basic functions in the body.

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Fluid retention in the body

Fluid retention in the body - as the name implies - results from fluids stuck in the body tissues, especially in skin and skin tissues, and in this case there are many types, causes and treatments, so let us know them below.

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How the immune system works in the body

When we talk about the immune system, we describe a complex network of cells, tissues, and organs that prevent germs like bacteria, viruses, parasites, and viruses from attacking the body.

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What are the causes of pancreatic hypertrophy

The pancreas includes many health problems and disorders based on the reasons leading to their occurrence, and one of these problems is the enlarged pancreas, which will be mentioned the most important reasons leading to its occurrence in this article.

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Liver diseases and ways to prevent them

The liver is of great importance in the body, as it performs many basic functions, and any defect in it is harmful to the whole body and leads to complications and great risks that may reach death if it is not discovered and treated early.

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Hepatitis B inactive

Hepatitis B is a serious disease caused by the hepatitis B virus (HBV). Hepatitis C may turn into a chronic disease that lasts for six months or more. Chronic hepatitis C causes complications such as liver failure, liver cancer, or cirrhosis.

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Spring allergy

How can we explain this sharp increase in the number of allergy sufferers these days? Are people in our time exposed to new materials that did not exist before? Are children become more sensitive due to excessive hygiene? Or are people with allergies more likely to receive treatment before?

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The most important ways to treat a runny nose

A runny nose helps the body get rid of viral infections, but sometimes it becomes a very troublesome condition, so what are the ways to treat a runny nose? Here are the most important. A common symptom of a common cold is a runny nose, as a runny nose helps the body fight viral infections.

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What is astigmatism?

The conservative method used in treating astigmatism, is the use of optical means, such as glasses or contact lenses intended to repair this deformation. Another way to treat astigmatism is to perform various types of surgeries to fix visual distortion:

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Fish sensitivity

Fish is a valuable nutritional source rich in essential amino acids, trans fatty acids and fat-soluble vitamins, but fish is a common cause of severe allergies.

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What is the relationship between stomach acid reflux and tension?

It may be easy to deal with stomach acidity from some types of food by avoiding them, but stomach acid reflux that you may feel in certain situations, such as before entering an important job interview, may not be that easy.

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Cirrhosis of the liver

Liver cirrhosis is a common problem for many people, and it is difficult for some to diagnose it because symptoms do not appear clearly. What are these symptoms, and how do we avoid them?

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What are the harms of smoking on the heart?

The harmful effects of smoking on the heart have many and varied consequences, so we have to make several attempts to quit smoking. There are many methods and preparations that can help us. Numerous studies have examined the harmful effects of smoking on the body in general, but do you know what are the harmful effects of smoking on the heart in particular?

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Learn about the types of bad and good cholesterol

Our body is a very complicated machine, if we do not care about what is happening in it and maintain it, then we may find ourselves obliged to face a number of uncomplicated diseases that our body can be infected with. One of the things to watch out for in order to keep our body healthy is the cholesterol level in the blood.

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What is the disease of kings?

Gout, or something known as gout, is a common arthritis (common arthritis), which usually happens suddenly in the big toe, causing severe pain. Kings disease can affect other joints and affect the surrounding areas, such as Ankle, knee, and foot.

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What are the causes of blockage of the salivary glands?

What do you know about the blockage of the salivary glands? What are the most common causes of it? In this article we will talk about the most important information about the blockage of the salivary glands. Saliva is very important in the mouth, as its absence may hinder digestion, increase tooth decay and increase dry mouth.

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Information about Abu Kaab's disease

The Abu Kaab virus is easily transmitted between people, as it can catch the virus from mucus or saliva by breathing the spray from an infected person, or by using its tools. The period of infection extends from the two days prior to the onset of symptoms to the five days after the onset of symptoms.

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In the event that you have doubts about recovery from meningitis, then yes it is possible to recover from meningitis, but provided that the correct treatment and necessary care are chosen until the period of the disease has ended. Treatment for meningitis varies depending on the cause of the disease. Here are some details

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Health damage

One popular English proverb says that "the hour of sleep before midnight equals two hours after it," and in Egypt most mothers find the phrase "night sleep is not like day sleep" on their children's ears.

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Maltese fever and the most important information about it

Brucellosis, or Brucellosis, is a bacterial infection that affects both humans and animals such as cows, dogs, sheep, goats, and pigs.

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What are the symptoms of stroke

Stroke, also known as a brain attack, occurs when blood flow to the brain stops, and cells in this area begin to damage. A stroke can affect the entire body.

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What is Bahjat's dicease?

Bahjat's disease is one of the rare and incurable diseases that cause swelling and swelling of blood vessels throughout the body, which may cause a group of different symptoms depending on the area of the injury.

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Causes and treatment of erysipelas

Erysipelas is a bacterial infection that occurs in the upper layers of the skin. It was previously believed that Erysipelas appeared on the face only. But recent studies have shown that most cases of erysipelas arise by 80% on foot, and can appear on the hands and trunk.

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Tear the eardrum

A ruptured eardrum, as the name suggests, is a hole in the eardrum or so-called tympanic membrane, which separates the middle ear and the outer ear canal.

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Symptoms and treatment of epileptic seizures

An epileptic seizure is a sudden malfunction of electrical signals in the human brain. These seizures cause changes in a person's behavior, movement, feeling, and consciousness as well. A person is often diagnosed with epilepsy when facing two or more seizures.

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