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الدليل الصناعي السوري
Dr. Ahmed Hayyan Ibrahim Al-Saleh
The Company's name Dr. Ahmed Hayyan Ibrahim Al-Saleh
Phone First +963 11 6713838
Mobile First +963 964867108
City Ref Damascus
Title Ashrafieh Sehnaya _ Al-Kazia Street - next to Hajj Ali Pharmacy
Specialization Oral surgery and dental implants specialist
About company
Modern dental clinic for dental implants and cosmetics
Dr. Ahmed Hayyan Ibrahim Al-Saleh
Address: Ashrafieh Sehnaya _ Al-Kazia Street - next to Hajj Ali Pharmacy
Specialization: Specialist in oral surgery and dental implants
He holds the Syrian Board Certificate in Dental Implants
Tel: 6713838
Mobile: 0964867108

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